So Many Kinds of Loss – How Do You Get Help?

According to the Grief Recovery Institute (GRI), there are 43 losses that can produce the range of emotions that we call grief – including death, divorce or end of a relationship, loss of health, major financial change, moving, loss of a pet, change of status, and many others.  

Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind, but many of the ideas we have been taught about grief are not helpful, and most grief support is not action-based.  

GRI’s six myths of grief:

  1. Don’t feel bad
  2. Replace the loss
  3. Grieve alone
  4. Just give it time
  5. Be strong for others
  6. Keep Busy

The Grief Recovery Method® (GRM), a series of 6 or 7 session action-based classes with tools and homework, has been used internationally for 35 years successfully.  The goal of GRM is to help you complete your relationship to the pain, isolation, and loneliness caused by significant emotional loss… in a safe environment.  

I have personally experienced tremendous loss, have supported grieving families and individuals for 15 years, plus I am a GRI Certified Grief Recovery Specialist.  We chose this method to use in our nonprofit, A Butterfly’s Journey To A New Normal, both because I experienced it and could see how effective it is… but also due to its action-based approach and recognition of individual uniqueness in grief.

Using GRM we help you look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and to take actions that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain.  Together, we make a commitment to total honesty, absolute confidentiality and recognition of the individuality in every relationship and type of grief.

GRM classes are provided (group or 1-on-1 formats) in 3 areas:
(1-on-1 classes are provided locally in person or anywhere by phone/email)

  1. Grief Recovery Class for Loss
    (general or specific areas)
  2. GRM for Pet Loss
  3. When Children Grieve
    (for parents and guardians of grieving children)
    Details on ABJ’s Grief Recovery Programs


GRM Introduction video by John James, Founder:

Sometimes we stay isolated after loss… or support methods which we have access to may not be effective in a reasonable amount of time…  or there may not be support available for grieving children or loss a pet that is a member of our family.  There are also  many kinds of loss that require us to grieve, often without acknowledgement or support.

But something important underlies it all… choice!  We can choose to stay STUCK in our pain, but who does that benefit?  Certainly not us, our families or the loved ones we lost.  

GRM helps us understand myths, short-term energy relieving behaviors and undelivered communications to complete our pain.  We also have other useful tools, techniques and resources that can help — but you need to make a CHOICE to heal.  Possibly find a purpose for your grief, help others, or focus on gratitude, etc.  Find your ‘new normal’ and have a happy life again – you can do it!


…supporting your journey to a new normal.

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         Barbara J Hopkinson
       President & Executive Director



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