ABJ Video Blog #13:  MUSIC & Meet HOLLY

ABJ Video Blog #13: MUSIC & Meet HOLLY

Video Script: This is Holly. She chose to heal after loosing her daughter Jacqueline to illness. You can imagine Holly and her family went through a period of time that was tragic. My name is Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal. We help...
43 Kinds of Loss???

43 Kinds of Loss???

So Many Kinds of Loss – How Do You Get Help? According to the Grief Recovery Institute (GRI), there are 43 losses that can produce the range of emotions that we call grief – including death, divorce or end of a relationship, loss of health, major financial...
ABJ Video Blog – PHOTOS – Meet JIM

ABJ Video Blog – PHOTOS – Meet JIM

Video Script:   This is Jim. He chose to heal after losing his mother when he was only a teenager, and his father prematurely as well. You can imagine he went through periods of time that were difficult and hard to understand. My name is Barbara J Hopkinson of A...

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