Life Issues wcatlogo-e1421525660884
WCAT’s TV Series…
… hosted by Judie VanKooiman

Topic – GRIEF / Guests:  

  • Grief Mentor & Author, Barbara J Hopkinson
  • Therapist, Eileen Hiatt

     Barbara J Hopkinson is a multiple bereaved mother, grief mentor and author.  Eileen Hiatt is a therapist, bereaved mother and grandmother. Juice VanKooiman interviews them on traumatic grief recovery and how they are now helping others find hope and happiness again.

      “Life Issues” is produced and hosted by Judie VanKooiman, as a resource-informational show regarding many issues we all encounter in life. She also founded and leads the nonprofit organization “Those Who Can For Those In Need” connecting Boston and the North Shore area with resources for the elderly, losing a loved one, children, low income and homeless issues.

JVK-BJH-EH on Life Issues TV

During the show, Hopkinson provides viewers with some insights on why she’s made this her life’s mission, as well as some tips on moving beyond the grief. Her key message of “It’s ALL about the LOVE” gives hope to many.

Hiatt shares some of her experiences in finding the right help after the loss of her 4-year-old grandson Phoenix six years before and her daughter Brooke just over a year ago.  Eileen met Barbara through her work with The Compassionate Friends.  

Hopkinson founded The Compassionate Friends of Greater Newburyport and has been supporting families for twelve years. She is expanding her support to a national level through her book, virtual support program, resource center and non-profit.

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   Web Site


   Virtual Support Program

Contact Barbara at
617-410-6309 or

for a complimentary 30-minute healing conversation. 


Supporting the journey to HOPE…       Barb-Sig-Small

Please consider forwarding this info to someone who suffered a traumatic loss.


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