Ron Ponder hosts
Barbara J Hopkinson on
WCBH Radio, Ohio
January 9, 2014
(~13 min)


Ron Ponder, host of WCBH’s News-Talk Radio show ‘Ponder’s Corner’  interviews author, Barbara J Hopkinson, while taking call-in questions from his radio audience about signs she receives from her deceased son, Brent.








Guest Bio:

Barbara Hopkinson was born in Maine, raised in Massachusetts, and lived several years in New Jersey. A Butterfly’s Journey is her first full-length book, after publishing blogs, articles, and book reviews in the business world. She retired after a successful career in technology sales, including ten years as an IBM executive. One of her passions is travel, having visited more than 40 countries so far. She is a multiple bereaved parent, which inspired her to write about her journey to help others. She founded and continues to lead a local chapter of The Compassionate Friends, an international organization whose mission is to support family after the loss of a child. Barbara has a happy family life with her second husband, James Hopkinson, her remaining son Brad and three adult stepchildren Melanie, Matthew, and Christopher.

*   *   *

Contact Barbara for a FREE 30-minute “Return-to-Life” Conversation to accelerate healing:
email:    or   call 617-410-6309

or Order the book “A Butterfly’s Journey… Healing Grief After the Loss of a Child”



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