W L Laney hosts
Barbara J Hopkinson on
American Hope Talk RadioJanuary 7, 2014American Hope Radio Network


W L Laney, host of American Hope Talk Radio in Colorado  interviews author, Barbara J Hopkinson, of the book “A Butterfly’s Journey… Healing Grief After the Loss of a Child.”

The interview covers parts of her book and spiritual journey, as well as The Compassionate Friends chapter which she founded and still leads, and her virtual support program.



Barbara Hopkinson was born in Maine, raised in Massachusetts, and lived several years in New Jersey. A Butterfly’s Journey is her first full-length book, after publishing blogs, articles, and book reviews in the business world. She retired after a successful career in technology sales, including ten years as an IBM executive. One of her passions is travel, having visited more than 40 countries so far. She is a multiple bereaved parent, which inspired her to write about her journey to help others. She founded and continues to lead a local chapter of The Compassionate Friends, an international organization whose mission is to support family after the loss of a child. Barbara has a happy family life with her second husband, James Hopkinson, her remaining son Brad and three adult stepchildren Melanie, Matthew, and Christopher.

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Contact Barbara for a FREE 30-minute “Return-to-Life” Conversation to accelerate healing:
email: barbara@abutterflysjouney.com    or   call 617-410-6309

or Order the book “A Butterfly’s Journey… Healing Grief After the Loss of a Child”



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