“From Brent? Is that my deceased son?” Yes
How did I get songs from Brent?” Let me explain…

Brent DeLibero
One example of this unique and wonderful connection is the two songs that Brent channeled to my musician friend, Nancy Day. A couple years ago, Nancy and I were working at my home and she asked me how my book was coming along. I updated her then she asked if I had thought about having any music specific to the book. I had not, but fought the suggestion was interesting. We talked a little more as she was planning to leave for another appointment. But suddenly, she stated, “I have to postpone my appointment and go get the keyboard from my car.”
She returned and hurriedly set up the keyboard on a small table. As I watched, she immediately started to play this beautiful haunting instrumental, which was much too complex to be thought of as a first draft melody she was just starting to write. It also provoked a strong emotional response in me, so much so that I began to sob nearly uncontrollably, surprising myself. When she was done, she looked up at me surprised, saying that the music had just “come” to her, not sure from where. Then she looked over her shoulder and noticed my son Brent’s picture near her and realized “That is where it came from! It was Brent!” Prior to this channeling experience, she had no idea she could speak with him directly.
Then, the same channeled message from my son to Nancy came again, only this time, I knew to videotape it on my iPhone. It was amazing, beautiful, and along with the layers that to me, sounded like a combination of classical and choir, there was a hint of military beat near the end. Brent was in a military life. We named the song “Theme of A Butterfly’s Journey.”

Nancy Day
Over the next several weeks, Nancy found that she could understand messages from Brent. Shecontinued to relay them to me, while also discovering she could ask Brent questions for me. The channeled dialogue became conversational and I loved it!
Approximately three months later, Nancy and I agreed to meet for dinner on the tenth anniversary of Brent’s motorcycle accident. We planned to meet at a local restaurant at 6 p.m. Nancy called me around 5:30 p.m. and asked if we could postpone meeting for thirty minutes, I agreed but did not bother to inquire why.
During dinner, she explained that a short time earlier Brent contacted her while she was working in the garden, and urged her to come inside, where he dictated a poem to her for me. Then he asked her to read it to me over dinner and explained that the poem was lyrics for a song, at which time, he channeled the music to her. Surprised, she was still able to capture all the words and music before meeting me at the restaurant.
Over dinner, she read me the beautiful poem, which is published in the back of my book. The poem describes how Brent was doing wonderfully in spirit, and how grateful he was for my love and care in raising him. He also urged all of us to trust in what we cannot see in the continuation of our spirit and our children’s or loved ones’ spirits. After dinner, Nancy came to my house and played the song with those lyrics for my other son, Brad, and my husband, Jim. We were all emotional. The song, which Brent told us to name “Love Everlasting,” was simply beautiful. (see poem/lyrics in part B of this blog)
I believe that the “channeled conversations” are more than just a message to me. Instead, they are universal. Brent is representative of all our children in spirit, and I am simply a conduit to get the message to bereaved families that their children are doing fine on the other side and that their spirit continues. I have made the songs available on my web site – to listen or download, and did a national press release earlier this week to spread the word to give bereaved families hope, especially in this holiday season. The latter song also benefits our support efforts for local bereaved families in my chapter of The Compassionate Friends of Greater Newburyport, MA.
May you have faith that your loved ones continue in spirit.
Much love,