Heartlight Studios – Mitch Carmody

Heartlight Studios – Mitch Carmody

HeartLight Studios Mitch is a national speaker and workshop presenter on grief with a belief in ‘Proactive Grieving”.   HeartLight Studios is a business dedicated to his son Kelly James Carmody who died in 1987 of a brain tumor.  Since that day Mitch has...
ABJ Introduction Video

ABJ Introduction Video

A Butterfly’s Journey (ABJ) has a mission to help individuals and families struggling with grief after the loss of a child, or other early loss, to find hope and a new normal. We do that through grief recovery classes, through Virtual Support and providing a...
The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends: Providing Grief Support After the Death of a Child “The Compassionate Friends is about transforming the pain of grief into the elixir of hope. It takes people out of the isolation society imposes on the bereaved and lets them express...

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