“It Takes A Village”

“It Takes A Village”

“It Takes a Village” You don’t heal as well alone – it takes a village. Here is Michelle (lost brother), Barbara (lost 3 children), Maria (lost son), Jim (lost parents), and Gianna (lost uncle).
“Choose To Heal”

“Choose To Heal”

“Choose To Heal” Barbara chose to heal after losing three children and her 30-year marriage, then attempting suicide.  It made her realize she needed to decide, then take action to crawl out of the grief hole, one step at a time, one day at a time.  She...
“It’s ALL About the LOVE”

“It’s ALL About the LOVE”

 “It’s ALL About the LOVE” Barbara believes this after losing 3 children – and her resulting spiritual journey.  That journey taught her that all of our spirits continue, and that everything we do has an energetic frequency level.  Staying...

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