by barhop | Dec 15, 2016 |
“Amanda – Daughter / Logan – Son” “Mother – Uncle” Deana lost her daughter Amanda & son Logan in an auto accident. Her granddaughter Armaya lost her mother &...
by barhop | Nov 25, 2016 |
“I Will Always Be Your Shoulder Monkey” Armaya lost her mother Amanda and her uncle Logan in an auto...
by barhop | Jan 10, 2016 |
“It Takes a Village” You don’t heal as well alone – it takes a village. Here is Michelle (lost brother), Barbara (lost 3 children), Maria (lost son), Jim (lost parents), and Gianna (lost uncle).
by barhop | Dec 15, 2015 |
“Love You — Miss You” Jen loves and misses her infant son Ivan. Serafina loves and misses her little brother.
by barhop | Nov 21, 2015 |
” ” (Love) Serafina lost her little brother Ivan. She may not understand the impact… yet. But she knows she loves him.