43 Kinds of Loss???

43 Kinds of Loss???

So Many Kinds of Loss – How Do You Get Help? According to the Grief Recovery Institute (GRI), there are 43 losses that can produce the range of emotions that we call grief – including death, divorce or end of a relationship, loss of health, major financial...
ABJ Jan/Feb’17 Newsletter

ABJ Jan/Feb’17 Newsletter

   Jan-Feb 2017 Newsletter    Hello,    Happy Valentine’s Day!   This seems like a good time to talk about how… IT’S ALL ABOU THE LOVE …don’t you think?  It is, you know!  Life is truly about love and relationships, not just romantic...
ABJ Fall / Holiday ’16 Newsletter

ABJ Fall / Holiday ’16 Newsletter

  Fall / Holiday 2016 Newsletter   Hello,  Well, the CRAZY BUSY has continued!  Can you believe the Winter Solstice is already here and we are starting the winter and holidays?  That was FAST… it was an active Fall.  We did some interesting things with a focus...
ABJ Summer’16 Newsletter

ABJ Summer’16 Newsletter

Summer, 2016  Newsletter Hello Barbara,    This summer has been a BLUR – apologies for doing a summer rather than monthly newsletter – but I have a good excuse!   My son got married (I hosted the wedding)… then we moved for the summer… then ABJ...

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