Our Media section contains any press, radio or TV information regarding A Butterfly’s Journey  or our President & Executive Director, Barbara J Hopkinson.   Enjoy!

Please contact us if you’d like to write a press article on us or interview us on radio or TV.  Thank you!  You can also reach Barbara at 617-410-6309  or


Cable TV: Spotlight on Barbara J Hopkinson

Cable TV: Spotlight on Barbara J Hopkinson

Cable TV Spotlight on Georgetown:    Host Beverly Enos interviews Barbara Hopkinson, author of "A Butterfly's Journey" (22 min) Barbara J Hopkinson & Beverly EnosThe video discussion covers: Barbara's work with bereaved families in The Compassionate Friends of...

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A Butterfly's Journey
American Hope Talk Radio’s W L Laney Interviews Barbara J Hopkinson
KMCH Radio in Iowa hosts “Guest of the Day” Barbara J Hopkinson
WNBP interviews local author on “Surviving Grief During the Holidays”
Kimberley Jaeger, CBS Boston Affiliate WZLX Radio, Interviews Author Barbara J Hopkinson
Win Damon of WNBP Radio Introduces New ABJ Music to Help Bereaved Families
Newburyport chapter of The Compassionate Friends adds positive twist to a global event
1380 “The Woman” St Louis Radio interviews local author on the “Afterlife”
Win Damon of WNBP radio interviews Barbara J Hopkinson on the Benefits of Virtual Support
Author Announces Original Song to Inspire Healing; Proceeds Go To Local Grief Support
Cable TV: Spotlight on Barbara J Hopkinson
“Strategies for Living” therapist David McMillan interviews life strategist
Michael Dresser interviews author Barbara J Hopkinson on “Dresser After Dark” radio show
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