Do you believe in signs from lost loves ones?
Do you look for signs?
Do you write them down?

I do believe,

I do look, and …

I do write them down!


Brent DeLibero

It used to feel a little weird, I used to be a little skeptical.  But when my 21-year-old son Brent died suddenly, I was sent (involuntarily) on a journey…  a mission to figure out if his spirit continued.  I was coming from a Catholic upbringing and a skeptical corporate background.  And I was married to someone even more skeptical than me!  But in spite of all that — I am now absolutely convinced that all of our spirits continue, and they our loved ones are often with us and trying to send us signs.

Not everyone gets or sees signs.  It would be nice if they were always noticed and perceived correctly… if there was no doubt…  if there was just the comfort from them in our grief.  Oh well, life isn’t perfect and neither is this business of getting signs from our loved ones in spirit.  

Why is that?  Who knows…  It might be because our loved ones are not experienced in making the signs obvious.  It might be because we are not watching for them.  It could be because we are so deep in our pain and at such a low energy vibration, nothing can get through to us. It could be we just don’t believe.

Whatever the reason – I have proven to myself and I am unshakable in my belief in afterlife and signs.  I’ve written blogs on them before (search for “signs” in the search box on the sidebar of my blog page.  But I continue to watch for them, and receive them — sometimes direct to me, sometimes through others.


purple butterflies

One of the most recent cases was when a trusted friend and medium told me that my son Brent planned to send me purple butterflies.  She told me they may not be real or in person, I may just see a picture of them, but to know he was giving me a sign of his love.  I kept vigilant for a few days and didn’t notice anything, was a little disappointed — then yesterday, as I was distracted this video showed up on my Facebook timeline, from someone I didn’t know!  

“OK, thank you Brent – love ya!”


Butterfly on Patrick's arm

Another example of this (in our ABJ Resource Center) is an interview on “Signs and Connections”  of Mitch Carmody, grief expert, by Dr Gloria Horsley, founder of Open to Hope.  Mitch is founder of Heartlight Studios and does a workshop on “Whispers of Love” with some amazing photos!  ABJ is joining Mitch & doing a photo shoot on a Bereavement Cruise by Seminars at Sea this September.


There is even a Facebook group for “Signs From Loved Ones” – check it out!

Several of the energy workers that I’ve been to have confirmed information to me about the three children I lost, which they had no way of knowing.  Over time, with more and more of these occurrences (involving several different people), and the accumulation of signs I have seen for myself, and stories from other bereaved families about signs they have had.. along with credible books I’ve read and speakers I’ve heard on the topic…

I do believe in signs!  I hope you can too! XO


 …supporting your journey to a new normal.

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         Barbara J Hopkinson
         President & Executive Director



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