WXBR Lois Berman hosts local author Barbara J Hopkinson… Valentine’s Day, 2014 (~54 m) |
Lois Berman, hosted author & grief mentor Barbara J Hopkinson on her show
“Lois-on-the-Line” on WXBR Radio 1460AM, on Feb 14th, Valentine’s Day.
book than other interviewers DARE TO — INCLUDING:
- How the gift of a journal from Barbara’s son Brad was the beginning of her book
- How Barbara handled the depression after her 21-year-old son died, and how she got through the failed 30-year marriage and suicide attempt at her low point
- How Barbara forgave her 1st husband, how the baby he had with another woman helps her remaining son, and how she met her 2nd husband & is happy again
- The spiritual blueprint & contract her son made for an abbreviated life and why
- The energetic impact on Barbara’s family and how
they would be together again - The spiritual networking (not coincidence) which is evident everywhere in life
At the end of the interview, Lois quotes:
Imagination is stronger than knowledge
Myth is more potent than history
Dreams are more powerful than facts
Hope always trumps over experience
Laughter is the cure for grief
Love is stronger than death
Contact Barbara for a
FREE 30-minute ‘Start-the Healing’ Conversation:
email: barbara@abutterflysjouney.com
or call 617-410-6309