Butterflys Journey
Barbara J Hopkinson
P.O. Box 872
Newburyport, MA 01950
orGail Jones (Publicist)
LOCAL AUTHOR AND GRIEF MENTOR SELECTED AS DEBUT GUEST OF NEW TV SERIES NEWBURYPORT AND HAVERHILL, MA – June 17, 2014–Barbara J Hopkinson, local author, speaker and facilitator of bereavement groups and programs, will be the debut guest of the new “Across the Universe” TV series that starts next week.

Hopkinson, whose book A Butterfly’s Journey…Healing Grief After the Loss of A Child, was released with rave reviews last year, was selected to be the first guest because of her commitment to helping bereaved families.  She has a unique message of hope.

The “Across the Universe” series was created by Jay Lafond, producer, to feature local people pursuing a passion and making a difference in the lives of others.  “There is so much negativity in the news, I wanted to create a show that portrays the positive aspects of what is happening in the world,’ Lafond explained.  “I carefully screen potential guests who inspire people in real ways that impact others.”

The show, named after a Beatles’ song, came to him while driving.  He particularly likes the words “nothing is going to change my world,” which Lafond said reminds him what he believes to be the eternal nature of all of us.  He also hand-picked his host, Lindsay Paris, who Lafond says has an amazing on-air presence and a rare interview ability.

Lafond said he was so moved by Hopkinson’s book that he could not put it down. “Barbara relates so honestly that her book will help many others even beyond those who lost a child,” Lafond commented.

The show will debut at 9 p.m., Monday, June 23 on Channel 22, HC Media/Haverhill Community Television.   Eleven other community TV stations will also air the show in the coming weeks.

During the show, Hopkinson provides viewers with many ways to move beyond the grief of losing a child, sharing intimate details of her loss of three children.  Her key message of “It’s all about the love” gives hope and insight to many as they move through grief.

“I am honored to be the first guest of “Across the Universe”, for like Jay, I believe in the everlasting nature of all us,” Hopkinson remarked.  “When my 21-year-old son was killed in a motorcycle accident, I received signs and messages from him, which I share on the show, including a poem and a song.”

Hopkinson’s work helping bereaved families locally has expanded nationally this past year through her virtual support program, where she offers one-on-one mentoring via phone and email in six- or twelve-month segments. In addition to highly-tailored personal consultations with each individual, the program shares with its members group options and an online network of resources and referrals.

A lifelong resident of Plum Island, MA, she also founded and leads the local Greater Newburyport chapter of The Compassionate Friends, part of a national and international organization whose mission is to support family after the loss of a child. Their national conference this year is July 11-13 in Chicago.

Hopkinson speaks frequently on the topic of finding hope and happiness again after the loss of a child and has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows, which are posted on her web site.

“Across the Universe” will air as often as monthly.  To get complete details and a show schedule with guest line-up, please call Lafond, HC Media 978-430-8577.


Barbara Hopkinson was born in Maine, raised in Massachusetts, and lived several years in New Jersey. A Butterfly’s Journey is her first full-length book, after publishing blogs, articles, and book reviews in the business world. She retired after a successful career in technology sales, including ten years as an IBM executive. One of her passions is travel, having visited more than 40 countries so far. She is a multiple bereaved parent, which inspired her to write about her journey to help others. Barbara has a happy family life with her second husband, James Hopkinson, her remaining son Brad and three adult stepchildren Melanie, Matthew, and Christopher.



Barbara J Hopkinson   Xlibris book cover.jpg   www.abutterflysjourney.com


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