Today is Memorial Day — a day to remember and be grateful for those veterans we loved and lost, especially those who are our children. But it is also a day to commemorate all our children and loved ones that have passed on.
Not that they are ever really out of our memories or conscious thoughts – especial not for the newly bereaved, but how nice to set aside a holiday for them in addition to their birthday and “angel-versary’.
We do things like say a prayer, look at photos, plant flowers or trees and visit graves, but remember that their spirits are still with you and checking in on you. Nothing can break the bond of LOVE – not even death! Remember that and watch for sings from them.
To expand on that, I’d like to include a Memorial Day newsletter from my trusted friend and spiritual medium, Laura Emerald:
On this Memorial Day, I wanted to remind you that your loved ones in spirit are constantly trying to send you messages directly!
Here are some signs to look for:
1) Animal Messages~ Is your cat or dog acting strange and looking into a part of the room where “no one is there?” Likely they are seeing your loved ones in spirit. Try to tune in and see if you can sense who has come to visit you. Animals are messengers for the spirit realm and you can learn more by reading Ted Andrew’s Animal Speaks
2) Birds ~ Many of our loved ones try to get our attention through our feathered friends. If you constantly see a particular bird just when you are thinking of a certain loved one then that’s their way of getting your attention. Consider it a hug from your loved one when this happens. My own grandmother uses a cardinal to get my attention and it really works!
3) Electricity ~ It’s very easy for those in spirit to blink lights, change digital clocks, or turn on/off electrical objects like televisions and radios. If you are thinking about your loved ones and notice these electricity blinks or unexplained things happening, then again consider yourself as getting some love or acknowledgment from your family and friends in spirit.
If you are getting signs but want help interpreting, consider taking the upcoming Psychic and Mediumship Development Course on Saturday, June 14th in Concord (see below) or set up a private appointment.
Also, I’m partnering with other professionals to help provide additional healing support on your journey. Barbara Hopkinson, a former colleague of mine, whose son passed to spirit in his early twenties has written A Butterfly’s Journey. It’s a beautiful and healing journey of her experiences and she offers Grief Mentorship services. She too has stepped out to follow her passion in helping people and their families heal. Her contact information can be found at: A Butterfly’s Journey. In the meantime, enjoy your Memorial Day observances and remember your loved ones are with you.
Blessings, Laura
Wishing you lovely memories on this Memorial Day.

Barbara Hopkinson
More information on my web site & contact me at
617-410-6309 or for a complimentary 30-minute ‘Healing” conversation.
Find more information on Laura Emerald on her web site and she can be reached at