Our Grief Support Groups provide a safe environment for you to look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and take actions that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain.

It’s an action-based group that involves reading and writing assignments outlined in “The Grief Recovery Handbook – 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition.”

It’s not a drop in group. You’ll either do an 8-week group format or a 7-week one-on-one format depending on your preference and availability.


grm-logo-bubble-color-smallThis method has been proven effective
for more than 28 years internationally

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Are you suffering
from a broken heart?

Did a death, divorce, or the end of a romantic relationship cause it? Or was it caused by any of the forty other losses that a person might experience such as moving, pet loss, or a change in finances? Regardless of the cause, you know how you feel and it probably isn’t good.

We aren’t going to tell you, “We know how you feel,” because we don’t. Neither does anyone else. What we will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.

The Problem

Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most of the information we’ve learned about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although our Grief Support Groups involve some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery must deal with your broken heart, which requires emotional support instead of intellectual explanations.

Myths about Grief

  • Time heals all wounds
  • Replace the loss
  • Grieve alone
  • Be strong
  • Don’t feel bad
  • Keep busy

The Solution

People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you how. The Grief Recovery Method Support Group, developed and refined over the past 30 years, teaches you how to recover from loss with supportive guidance every step of the way.



Supporting your journey…

More information on my web site &  contact me at
617-410-6309   or  barbara@abutterflysjourney.com
for a conversation on how you an find your ‘new normal’.

 PS  Please consider forwarding this info to someone who suffered a traumatic loss.


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