by barhop | Mar 21, 2014 | Interviews, Media, Tips |
WNBP Win’s World hosts author Barbara J Hopkinson discuss the VALUE OF RITUAL March 20’14 (~9 m) AUDIO Win Damon on WNBP “Win’s World” show, 106.1FM or 1450AM discuss the value of ritual with grief mentor and author Barbara J...
by barhop | Mar 14, 2014 | Blog, Resources, Self-Care & Tools, Tips, Topics & Stories |
According to behavioral scientists and Harvard professors Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton, there are real benefits to rituals, religious or otherwise. I agree, especially related to grief, based on my own experience and my observations of the bereaved families...
by barhop | Mar 5, 2014 | Blog, Miscellaneous, Resources |
Just had to SHARE some of the wonderful feedback you are sending to me… and THANK YOU ALL! … … keep it coming: good, bad or ugly – I learn from it! One way to give feedback here. Bereaved Parents / Grandparents / Siblings: “I have read the...
by barhop | Feb 25, 2014 | Blog, Guest Blogs, Self-Care & Tools |
Custom Calm, LLC Improving the lives of individuals and groups facing stress, pain and illness. Technique of the Week: Love & Kindness- The good, bad, and the ugly! Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but the message of the day is never-ending: Love and...
by barhop | Feb 20, 2014 | Interviews, Media, Podcasts, Resources, Tips |
WNBP Win Damon & local author Barbara J Hopkinson discuss FORGIVENESS Feb.20’14 (~9 m) AUDIO Win Damon on WNBP “The Legends” show, 106.1FM or 1450AM discuss the concept of Forgiveness with grief mentor and author Barbara J Hopkinson,...
by barhop | Feb 20, 2014 | Blog, Self-Care & Tools, Tips, Topics & Stories |
for·give verb fər-ˈgiv, fȯr- : to stop feeling anger toward… : to stop blaming… In my book I state: “(In grief) We may need to work on forgiveness—of ourselves or of others; that is very important, and in either case, it frees us.” My son Brent...