Video Script:

This is Eileen.  She chose to heal after loosing her grandson to cerebral palsy and her daughter to suicide. You can imagine Eileen went through a period of time that was not only mind numbing but extremely difficult, lonely at times and scary. 

 My name is Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.  We help individuals and families struggling with grief to find a new normal after experiencing loss of a child or other traumatic loss.

The fact that you are experiencing something that you never thought would happen is exactly why it is normal to feel like Eileen was feeling and this is why we suggest meditation or deep breathing to help you heal. 

When you meditate after the loss of a loved one, it is proven to reduce your stress level, and it makes you feel more connected to your loved one.  You can improve your whole day by making it a morning habit or do it anytime that is convenient for your. You don’t even need to know how.  We can show you easy ways to get started and introduce you to tools which hep.

We suggest adding quiet time to your daily schedule, either morning or evening.  If you find it helpful, possibly do start and end of day.

Some suggestions on getting started: 

  • Practice slow deep breathing into your diaphragm (not your chest)
  • To clear you mind, imagine a focal point (like waiting for a mouse to emerge from a small hole in a baseboard — it won’t but clears thoughts)
  • Light a candle and choose between quiet or soft instrumental music
  • Start with at least 5 minutes and work your way to 15 minutes or longer

Meditation can be a powerful tool.  It was for Eileen as she chose to heal. 

If you found this video to be helpful them share it and be sure to subscribe to our channel, newsletter or Resource Center.  If you have any questions please comment below. Once again, I am Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.  We help individuals and families struggling with grief after traumatic loss to find hope and a new normal.

 …supporting your journey to a new normal.

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         Barbara J Hopkinson
         President & Executive Director

Video by Wecast Productions

Photos by Renee McKenna Photography

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