Video Script:

This is Susan.  She chose to heal after losing her son in an auto accident. You can imagine Susan went through a period of time that was extremely difficult and frightening.

My name is Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.  We help individuals and families struggling with grief to find a new normal after experiencing loss of a child or other traumatic loss.

The fact that you are experiencing something that you never thought would happen is exactly why it is normal to feel like Susan was feeling and this is why we suggest using the arts to help you heal.   

Being creative is both cathartic and healing, as well as a channel for you emotions.  When you allow yourself quiet time to draw, paint, write, sculpt or create in any way… you can promote stress reduction and healing.  If you are able to let your creativity flow freely, you may be surprise at the outcome or how the result is a connection to your loved one in some way.

We suggest to try some creative art, even if you don’t think you are creative.  We all are deep down…  and art is good for your soul!  As an alternative to the above, you might try music, photography, video, collages, tiles, stained glass, pottery, or any number of things… its is up to you.

Some suggestions on use of reading to heal:

  • Choose 2 or 3 creative hobbies you would like to try or get back to.
  • Pick one and get the supplies or sign up for a class in that art medium.
  • Stick with it at least a few weeks or months to see if you like it, realizing that anything new is difficult at first. 
  • Remember, this is not about being great at what you are trying, it’s about expressing yourself, reducing your stress, and healing.

Creative arts are a powerful tool.  It was for Susan as she chose to heal. 

If you found this video to be helpful them share it and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.  If you have any questions please comment below. Once again, I am Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.  We help individuals and families struggling with grief after traumatic loss to find hope and a new normal.


 …supporting your journey to a new normal.

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         Barbara J Hopkinson
         President & Executive Director

Video by Wecast Productions

Photos by Renee McKenna Photography

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