Video Script:


This is my son Brad and me. We chose to heal after losing both Brad’s
younger and older brothers. You can imagine we went through a period of
time that was extremely difficult, and incurred massive changes in our lives.
My name is Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.
We help individuals and families struggling with grief to find a new normal
after experiencing loss of a child or other early traumatic loss.
The fact that you are experiencing something that you never thought would
happen is exactly why it is normal to feel like Brad and I were feeling and
this is why we suggest memories and keepsakes as a way
to help heal.
There are multiple ways these can help with grief. We all love to have
something that belonged to the loved one we lost. Even though it may be
sad, it is comforting to share memories with others who knew your loved
We suggest that you encourage positive and funny stories from others
about the one you lost… it provides some much-needed stress relief, even
in the early memorial ceremonies.
Some suggestions regarding keepsakes:
• Give yourself time before tackling the tough job of going through your
loved ones belongings, unless you need to move the

m. If so, get help and consider if you can put them in storage until you are ready.

• Take your time and really consider what you want to keep. If possible,
share some belongings with others in the family or very close friends, they’ll appreciate it.
• Know that you should not feel obligated to keep everything. Don’t feel
guilty about getting rid of things that no one wants and you have to reason to keep.
Keepsakes are comforting and memories are powerful. They were for us
as we chose to heal.
If you found this video to be helpful them share it and be sure to subscribe
to our YouTube channel. If you have any questions please comment
below. Once again, I am Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a
New Normal. We help individuals and families struggling with grief after
traumatic loss to find hope and a new normal.


 …supporting your journey to a new normal.

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         Barbara J Hopkinson
         President & Executive Director

Video by Wecast Productions

Photos by Renee McKenna Photography

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