Why? Grief and Loss…
…especially when you lose someone before heir time… is a TOUGH journey.
Support groups are great…
…but not for everyone and sometimes not local or not often enough.
Sometimes… you may not want to discuss your situation in a group
… or you may want to protect your anonymity from the group
… or it may not be individualized enough for your unique grief.
Also, after losing 3 children and a 30-year marriage around grief, I found that I needed to be open-minded and try multiple different kinds of tools, healing and support (along with making a CHOICE to heal), to make it work for me. And I did.
I am strong & happy – I found my New Normal & want to hep you find yours.
Not easy or quick – but DO-ABLE!
In addition to our GRM classes, events, photo shoots and helping you find local in-person support options – we want to offer a way for you to get more help VIRTUALLY – that is, online, phone or email… with flexibility to fit your schedule and location.
Schedule a complimentary 30-minute healing conversation HERE. to get some initial help and to understand ABJ options.
This is the ABJ 6-Step Process for Virtual Support
(6 or 12-month program)
- INITIAL 90-MINUTE PHONE MEETING (or in person if local to me) – to understand your specific situation, family culture and beliefs, then set a strategy to help & find additional support local to you if you want that.
- REVIEW the ABJ RESOURCE CENTER – to show you what is there and match resources with your areas of interest, maybe add resources to fit you.
- CHOOSE 1st AREA OF FOCUS – that appeals to you and go DEEPER. Provide instruction on HOW to do use or perform that particular area, then give you homework to do on your own, with tools to help, in between calls.
- REVIEW HOMEWORK & SELECT 2nd FOCUS AREA – how are these resources and homework exercises working for you? On the right strategy?
- REPEAT STEP 4 – SELECTING a 3rd FOCUS AREA – learn another tool (at least one or two should be in Self-Care). Provide continued support, Q&A and tinkering with the process to make it work well for YOU.
- MONITOR & EVALUATE PROGRESS & CHOOSE NEXT STEPS – Continue on this or another path? We’ll sort it out together.
- Three 60-minute phone calls per month (initial call 90 minutes)
- Unlimited email access.
- May include an optional online group once we get going more.
- 1 copy of either of either of my books:
- “A Butterfly’s Journey” -OR-
- “FAITH -Finding Answers In The Heart – Vol 2”
- Original instrumental: “Theme of A butterfly’s Journey”
- Original song with lyrics: “Love Everlasting”
I founded and have run a local support group* for nearly 13 years after the loss of my 3 children. I wrote two books, got certified as a GRI Grief Recovery Specialist, then created this nonprofit, to hep others in my sons’ memory.
We can HELP you and/or your family find HOPE again.
For more information, a complimentary 30-minute healing chat may be scheduled HERE.
* I founded (2003) and still lead a chapter supporting family after a child dies, “The Compassionate Friends of Greater Newburyport, MA” I can help you find local support also.
Barbara J Hopkinson, President & Exec Dir.,
A Butterfly’s Journey… To A New Normal