elaine-alpertMind/Body Medicine:
—Optimize the brain with Neurofeedback.
—Renovate the immune system to rebuild vitality. 
—Release emotional blocks to body image, health, prosperity, peace of mind.
—Transform fear, pain, anxiety, anger, prolonged grief, 
—Certified Hypnotherapist, Transformational Coach & Facilitator

Elaine Alpert
Coach / ReMind Center of Atlanta

Transformational Facilitation:
—Individual Coaching Programs (Health, Business, Parenting, Relationships, Finances)
—Transformational in-Person and Online Courses for Women
—Mindset Transformation for Business Owners & Teams
—Senior Trainer for the More To Life Program, www.moretolifeUS.org

 Elaine is a friend, business colleague and fellow bereaved mother.  She has helped me immensely & can help you too!  Barbara

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