Video Script:

This is Maria.  She chose to heal after losing her son to an unexplained accident.  Then she had to get through the fear when her only remaining daughter got severe breast cancer. You can imagine Maria went through a kind of personal Hell twice, that was excruciating and extremely scary.

My name is Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.  We help individuals and families struggling with grief to find a new normal after experiencing loss of a child or other traumatic loss.

The fact that you are experiencing something devastating that you never thought would happen to you is exactly why it is normal to forsake self-care like Maria.  This is why we suggest nutrition as part to help you stay strong.

It is important to pay attention to your nutrition after the loss of a loved one, to help avoid or minimize depression, and to stay strong.  Your body and mind have had a very traumatic blow, but your recovery will be much more difficult if you are not physically healthy.  Nutrition studies have shown that dark green vegetables produce melatonin, which lightens your mood.

We suggest trying to think about what you are consuming and resist the urge to just consume ‘easy’ carbs.  Get some greens in your diet and plenty of water, along with some comfort food, for our bruised psyche.

Some suggestions re: nutrition:
Drink half your weight (in ounces) of water per day (75 oz if weigh 150#)
Incorporate dark green veggies in your salads and meals.
Don’t eat absent-mindedly on the run, take time, relax.

Nutrition is important in healing.  It was for Maria as she chose to heal.

If you found this video to be helpful them share it and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.  If you have any questions please comment below. Once again, I am Barbara J Hopkinson of A Butterfly’s Journey To a New Normal.  We help individuals and families struggling with grief after traumatic loss to find a new normal.


 …supporting your journey to a new normal.

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         Barbara J Hopkinson
         President & Executive Director

Video by Wecast Productions

Photos by Renee McKenna Photography

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