A Butterfly’s Journey EVENTS
A Butterfly’s Journey (ABJ, a 501c3 non-profit) began holding and participating in events in 2015, the year they became an official non-profit. The events cover various types, including photoshoots and workshops held at grief-related conferences, Walks to Remember, Overcoming Addiction Vigils, Bereavement Cruises, and ABJ’s own fundraising and other events.
In 2019, we published our first photo book in a series, entitled “Faces of Resilience” and expanded our photoshoot events from the entire USA to international, in Canada, the Caribbean, and London. We hope to continue to expand globally.
“(After losing two of my three children) I did the photoshoot with my remaining child, Michael. It is such a unique way to allow us to express our pain and love. It is so powerful, cathartic, and healing… I don’t think my remaining son Michael had ever truly expressed his loss. He felt it was creative and was proud t o wear his siblings’ names on his arms, and of course, it meant so much to me”… Cathy Bryant, bereaved mother, Epping, NH
ABJ Events:
Mar: The Grief Cruises – Florida/Caribbean
May: Seabeck Conference – Seabeck, WA
July: The Compassionate Friends (TCF) National Conf – Philadelphia, PA
Aug: Bereaved Parents of the USA National Conf – St Louis, MO
Regional TCF Conference – Winnipeg, Canada
Oct: TCF Southwest Regional Conference – Houston, TX
TCF Southeast Regional Conference – Nashville, TN
Nov: TCF (The Compassionate Friends) International Conf – London, UK
Mar: Day of Healing – Parkland, Florida
July: TCF National Conf – St Louis, MO
Aug: Bereaved Parents of the USA National Conf – Memphis, TN
Oct: FED UP! Artful Advocacy event in Washington, DC
FED UP! Walk on the Capital Against Opioid Crisis
Walk to Remember – Winnikenni Castle – Haverhill, MA
Mar: Anatomy of Happiness Retreat, Plum Island, MA
Apr: ADEC (Assn. of Death & Education Consulting) Conf – Portland, OR
Photo Shoot with Grief Diaries – Seattle, WA
May: Vendor Showcase & PhotoShoot – Salisbury, MA
Oct: MA Walk To Remember, Deerland (Boston), MA
Nov: NFDA (National Funeral Directors Assn) Conference – Boston, MA
Jul: TCF National Conference – Scottsdale, AZ
Sep: The Grief Cruises – Florida/Caribbean
Dec: TCF Chapter Candle Lighting – Plum Island, MA
Jul: Launch ABJ ‘Faces of Resilience’ Photo Shoots – Plum Island, MA
Oct: ABJ Photo Shoot – Plum Island, MA
Dec: TCF Chapter Candle Lighting – Plum Island, MA
2013 – 2020:
2013-14 Several radio and TV interviews re: ABJ book
2014-19 “Life Issues” TV shows & table at Those Who Can for Those In Need events
Feb’15: Achieved Grief Recovery Method (GRM) Specialist Certification
Apr’19: Spoke at Empowered Girls Rise – Woodbury, CT
2019-20: TV shows for Somerville Overcoming Addiction & spoke at Vigil – Somerville, MA
2013 – 2020
Jun’13 Published 1st book “A Butterfly’s Journey… Healing Grief After the Loss of a Child”
Feb’15: Achieved Grief Recovery Method (GRM) Specialist Certification
Mar’15: Oceanfront Grief Retreat – Plum Island, MA
Apr’`15: Published “FAITH – Finding Answers In The Heart – Volume II) collaborative book
Sep’16; “Hike To Heal” fundraiser with Hiking Hearts
2016: Co-authored two Grief Diaries anthology series books, contributed to a third
Created ABJ intro, five social short and eighteen “Tip” videos
Oct’19: Booth at Walk to Remember – Winnikenni Castle – Haverhill, MA
Dec.19: Received IAOTP Award “Top Professional in Resilience After Loss” -Las Vegas
2003 – 2020
Monthly Free Support Meetings for families who’ve lost a child, grandchild or siblings – MA
Contact us if you would like to participate in our next photoshoot… or sponsor a photoshoot… or include a photoshoot in your organization’s event.