Grief Recovery Method Group Classes
Classes are based on the Grief Recovery Institute methodology, proven internationally for 40 years. The goal of the Grief Recovery Method (GRM) is to help you complete your relationship to the pain, isolation, and loneliness caused by significant emotional loss.
We provide a safe environment for you to look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and to take actions that will lead you to complete unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain. We make a commitment to total honesty, absolute confidentiality, and recognition of the uniqueness and individuality in every relationship.
The group class includes eight weekly two-hour sessions and may be held in person or online using Zoom software.
The Grief Recovery Method is now Evidence-Based! 
Research conducted by Kent State University has shown that The Grief Recovery Method approach to helping grievers deal with the pain of emotional loss in any relationship is “Evidence-Based” and effective. We are also proud to say that our program is the only Grief Support Program to have received this distinction of being evidence-based! Learn More.
Schedule a free call for information or to organize a group class HERE.
“So many methods, ideas, and self-help books for my grief left me with a good understanding – but very little hope of recovery after losing my youngest son. Working with Barbara Hopkinson and the Grief Recovery Method in conjunction with the ABJ, was the single most important step I took toward healing. Barbara works with individuals to identify personal points of understanding and adapts the GRM to each individual. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in this endeavor. The caring, encouragement, and support I received through her and ABJ is indescribable. What I appreciate most about working with Barbara and GRM is her ability to connect with love and understanding beyond what anyone can learn in a class…she is a natural at helping others!”
Janice Littrell, bereaved mother, Kentucky
Introduction to Grief Recovery Method and GRM Outreach Groups: